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    This dataset details the Declared Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA) across Australia through the implementation of the Indigenous Protected Areas Programme. These boundaries are not legally binding. An Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) is an area of Indigenous-owned land or sea where traditional Indigenous owners have entered into an agreement with the Australian Government to promote biodiversity and cultural resource conservation. The Indigenous Protected Areas element of the Caring for our Country initiative supports Indigenous communities to manage their land as IPAs, contributing to the National Reserve System. Further information can be found at the website below. Declared IPAs in order of gazettal date: Nantawarrina Preminghana Risdon Cove putalina Deen Maar Yalata Warul Kawa Watarru Walalkara Mount Chappell Island Badger Island Dhimurru Guanaba Wattleridge Mount Willoughby Paruku Ngaanyatjarra Tyrendarra Toogimbie Anindilyakwa Laynhapuy - Stage 1 Ninghan North Tanami Warlu Jilajaa Jumu Kaanju Ngaachi Great Dog Island Babel Island lungatalanana Angas Downs Pulu Islet Tarriwa Kurrukun Warddeken Djelk Jamba Dhandan Duringala Kurtonitj Framlingham Forest Kalka - Pipalyatjara Boorabee and The Willows Lake Condah Marri-Jabin (Thamurrurr - Stage 1) Brewarrina Ngemba Billabong Uunguu - Stage 1 Apara - Makiri - Punti Antara - Sandy Bore Dorodong Weilmoringle Yanyuwa (Barni - Wardimantha Awara) Minyumai Gumma Mandingalbay Yidinji Southern Tanami Angkum - Stage 1 Ngunya Jargoon Birriliburu Eastern Kuku Yalanji Bardi Jawi Girringun Wilinggin Dambimangari Balanggarra Thuwathu/Bujimulla Yappala Wardaman - Stage 1 Karajarri - Stage 1 Nijinda Durlga - Stage 1