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    Changes in seagrass coverage in Cockburn Sound in 1982 were assessed from aerial photographs using modern mapping methods with the aim of accurately determining the magnitude of change in hectares of seagrasses.

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    Changes in seagrass coverage in Cockburn Sound in 1967 were assessed from aerial photographs using modern mapping methods with the aim of accurately determining the magnitude of change in hectares of seagrasses.

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    Changes in seagrass coverage in Cockburn Sound 1972 were assessed from aerial photographs using modern mapping methods with the aim of accurately determining the magnitude of change in hectares of seagrasses.

  • CAMRIS incorporates the Australian estuarine database, which includes the National Estuaries Study (Bucher and Saenger 1989). Attributes include location, name, climatic variables, run-off coefficients, land use, flood frequency, water quality, habitat types including seagrass/mangrove/saltmarsh, fisheries/conservation/amenity values, administration, literature and threats. CAMRIS, standing for the Coastal and Marine Resources Information System, is a small-scale spatial analysis system developed in collaboration by several divisions of Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), as part of the CSIRO Coastal Zone Program. CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology is the custodian of the 'coastal' subset of the Australian Resources Information System (ARIS). Coastal ARIS became the core dataset of the CAMRIS project. The Coastal ARIS database was developed from a coastal inventory developed by Galloway et al. This inventory contained relatively large scale data including landform, geology, vegetation, soil, land use, climate and population information for each of 3027 3x10km sections around the coastline of mainland Australia and Tasmania, but excluding offshore islands. NOTE for Shapefile version: Item names in the ArcView Shapefile for download have been altered due to a 10 character fieldname limitation in the DBF file. Estuary.shp RUNOFF_COEF becomes R_off_coef MAX_TIDAL_RANGE becomes Mx_tid_rng SAND-MUD_AREA becomes Sdmud_area MANGROVE_AREA becomes Mgrve_area SEAGRASS_AREA becomes Sgras_area SALTMARSH_AREA becomes Smrsh_area ESTUARINE_AREA becomes Estua_area GALLOWAY_SECTION becomes Gallwy_sct LANDUSE_CODE becomes Lnduse_cde FLOOD_REGIME becomes Flood_rgme MANGROVE_COVER becomes Mgrove_cvr SEAGRASS_COVER becomes Sgrass_cvr SALTMARSH_COVER becomes Smarsh_cvr FISH_THREAT becomes Fsh_threat CONS_THREAT becomes Con_threat AMENITY_VALUE becomes Amenity_vl