Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA) - Declared
This dataset details the Declared Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA) across Australia through the implementation of the Indigenous Protected Areas Programme. These boundaries are not legally binding.
An Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) is an area of Indigenous-owned land or sea where traditional Indigenous owners have entered into an agreement with the Australian Government to promote biodiversity and cultural resource conservation.
The Indigenous Protected Areas element of the Caring for our Country initiative supports Indigenous communities to manage their land as IPAs, contributing to the National Reserve System. Further information can be found at the website below.
Declared IPAs in order of gazettal date:
Risdon Cove
Deen Maar
Warul Kawa
Mount Chappell Island
Badger Island
Mount Willoughby
Laynhapuy - Stage 1
North Tanami
Warlu Jilajaa Jumu
Kaanju Ngaachi
Great Dog Island
Babel Island
Angas Downs
Pulu Islet
Tarriwa Kurrukun
Jamba Dhandan Duringala
Framlingham Forest
Kalka - Pipalyatjara
Boorabee and The Willows
Lake Condah
Marri-Jabin (Thamurrurr - Stage 1)
Brewarrina Ngemba Billabong
Uunguu - Stage 1
Apara - Makiri - Punti
Antara - Sandy Bore
Yanyuwa (Barni - Wardimantha Awara)
Mandingalbay Yidinji
Southern Tanami
Angkum - Stage 1
Ngunya Jargoon
Eastern Kuku Yalanji
Bardi Jawi
Wardaman - Stage 1
Karajarri - Stage 1
Nijinda Durlga - Stage 1
- Date (Creation)
- 2006-08-01
- Date (Revision)
- 2014-07-09
Australian Government Department of the Environment
-Parks Data Manager
GPO Box 787
,02 6274 1666
Australian Government Department of the Environment
-Metadata Publisher
GPO Box 787
,(02) 6274 1333
- Presentation form
- Digital map
- Credit
When using this dataset for analysis or mapping you must always acknowledge the Indigenous Protected Areas Section, Parks Australia, Department of the Environment as the custodian of the data and also include the below copyright.
- Credit
(c) Department of the Environment, 2014.
- Status
- On going
Australian Government Department of the Environment
-Parks Data Manager
GPO Box 787
,02 6274 1666
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
- Name
SDE Feature Class
- Version
ANZLIC Search Words
BOUNDARIES Administrative
BOUNDARIES Administrative_Management
- Keywords
Downloadable Data
- Access constraints
- License
- Other constraints
CC - Attribution (CC BY)
- Use limitation
Data to be available in the Public Domain under Creative Commons by Attribution Licensing Agreement. More information can be found here:
- Access constraints
- License
- Other constraints
Data to be available in the Public Domain under Creative Commons by Attribution Licensing Agreement.
More information can be found here:
- Use constraints
- License
- Other constraints
It is the responsibility of the person using the IPA dataset to always check the metadata for the currency date within each jurisdiction and if required seek advice from the IPA Programme on details of more recent gazettals of protected areas.
This dataset is unsuitable for use in any legal issue regarding boundaries. The land title authority in your area should be referred to for accurate and appropriate legal spatial data.
- Access constraints
- Copyright
- Other constraints
© Commonwealth of Australia (Department of the Environment) 2014
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 100000
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Boundaries
- Environment description
Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS
- Supplemental Information
published externally
- Reference system identifier
- Topology level
- Geometry only
- Geometric object type
- Composite
- Geometric object count
- 70
- Distribution format
SDE Feature Class
Australian Government Department of the Environment
GPO Box 787
,02 6274 1666
- Name
ArcGIS File geodatabase
- Version
- Name
- Version
- OnLine resource
- 002
- OnLine resource
- OnLine resource
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Conformance result
- Date (Revision)
- 2014-12-05
- Explanation
Boundaries were either provided as spatial data, compiled using cadastral boundary, roads or rivers layers, digitized from hand drawn maps or plotted using textual descriptions.
The accuracy of the boundaries copied from existing GIS data vary from less than 1m to 500m. The existing GIS data scale ranged from 1:1,000 (ACT) to 1:500,000 (northern WA).
- Pass
- Yes
Conformance result
- Date (Revision)
- 2014-12-05
- Explanation
All anomolies were corrected by ERIN in consultation with the IPA Programme staff. Attributes in the IPA dataset are a subset of CAPAD attribute fields and are as follows: NAME: official (gazetted) name of a IPA or unofficial name. Gazetted IPA's with no name are flagged as "Unnamed". TYPE: official gazetted designation of the IPA. STATE: State the IPA is located in. STATUS: whether the IPA is declared or undeclared. GAZ_AREA: area of IPA in hectares as described in the nomination document (eg. parliamentary gazettal or nomination letter to the IPA Programme), to the nearest hectare. GIS_AREA: area of IPA in hectares as calculated in ArcGIS using the Australian Albers Equal Area projection. Where IPA's are made up of multiple polygons (parts) the GIS_AREA is the sum of all the polygons. IUCN: the IUCN protected area category described by the Managing authority, as outlined in the publication: CNPPA/WCMC "Guidelines for Protected Area management categories". Gland: IUCN, 1994. (ISBN: 2-8317-0201-1). IUCN Definitions include: IA Strict Nature Reserve: PA managed mainly for science; IB Wilderness Area: PA managed mainly for wilderness protection; II National Park: PA managed mainly for ecosystem protection; III Natural Monument: PA managed mainly for conservation of specific natural features; IV Habitat / Species Management Area: PA managed mainly for conservation through management intervention; V Protected Landscape / Seascape: PA managed mainly for landscape/seascape conservation and recreation; VI Managed Resource Protected Area: PA managed mainly for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems. AUTHORITY: This attribute contains code sets for the management authority of the IPA. Definitions include: IMG = Indigenous Management Group LILC = Local Indigenous Land Council TSRA = Torres Strait Regional Authority GAZ_DATE: original gazettal/ proclamation date. LATEST_GAZ: Date of most recent gazetted amendment or verification. ENVIRON: Where an IPA component comprises of land (T=terrestrial) or sea country (M=marine). SOURCE: Source of spatial dataset (eg. CAPAD_T). Definitions include: Cadlite = Cadastral parcels, as supplied by the Public Sector Mapping Authorities [PSMA] Cons = Consultant / Third party contractor CAPAD_T = Terrestrial component of CAPAD DLI = WA Land Information Authority (Landgate) DPIPWE = Tas Dept of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment IMG = Indigenous Management Group NNTT = National Native Title Tribunal NRETAS = NT Dept of Land Resource Management (formerly the Dept of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport) NRSP = National Reserve System Program, DSEWPaC COMMENTS: Any comments, change of name, etc
- Pass
- Yes
Conformance result
- Date (Revision)
- 2014-12-05
- Explanation
Attribute data conform to a subset of the nationally agreed CAPAD specifications. All source datasets which were not consistent with the CAPAD standards were corrected as required.
Spatial data of source datasets were checked and corrected for mismatches across jurisdictional boundaries (see lineage for further details).
All polygons were given visual checks for spatial errors and for appropriate attribute information.
- Pass
- Yes
Conformance result
- Date (Revision)
- 2014-12-05
- Explanation
All Declared IPA's are complete to the revision date of this dataset.
- Pass
- Yes
- Statement
The spatial boundaries were originally compiled by the NRS program and by ERIN since February 2009. Boundaries have been compiled as areas that have been declared through the IPA Programme. In 2006 ERIN revised the IPA dataset to align with the Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD). This included modification of the spatial data to remove discrepancies as well as an attribution review for accuracy and completeness. This was undertaken with advice from the IPA Programme staff. Since February 2009 most boundaries have been sourced directly from the Indigenous Management Group (IMG) responsible for that IPA. Where this has occured it is marked in the Source field.
Note: On occasions the spatial boundaries of declared IPA's may alter as new and more up-to-date mapping is made available from IMG's to ERIN. This will alter the GIS area (Ha) figure.
- File identifier
- f16e1b55-afc6-44fb-8eae-413fb91ff727 XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Hierarchy level name
- Date stamp
- 2021-01-19T18:24:50
- Metadata standard name
ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
- Metadata standard version
Australian Government Department of the Environment
-Parks Data Manager
GPO Box 787
,02 6274 1666
- Dataset URI
Server=draco.ris; Service=5152; Version=SDE.DEFAULT; Dataset=PARKS_SDE.ipa_declared