Australian Estuaries Database - CAMRIS
CAMRIS incorporates the Australian estuarine database, which includes the National Estuaries Study (Bucher and Saenger 1989). Attributes include location, name, climatic variables, run-off coefficients, land use, flood frequency, water quality, habitat types including seagrass/mangrove/saltmarsh, fisheries/conservation/amenity values, administration, literature and threats.
CAMRIS, standing for the Coastal and Marine Resources Information System, is a small-scale spatial analysis system developed in collaboration by several divisions of Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), as part of the CSIRO Coastal Zone Program. CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology is the custodian of the 'coastal' subset of the Australian Resources Information System (ARIS). Coastal ARIS became the core dataset of the CAMRIS project. The Coastal ARIS database was developed from a coastal inventory developed by Galloway et al. This inventory contained relatively large scale data including landform, geology, vegetation, soil, land use, climate and population information for each of 3027 3x10km sections around the coastline of mainland Australia and Tasmania, but excluding offshore islands.
NOTE for Shapefile version:
Item names in the ArcView Shapefile for download have been altered due to a 10 character fieldname limitation in the DBF file.
RUNOFF_COEF becomes R_off_coef
MAX_TIDAL_RANGE becomes Mx_tid_rng
SAND-MUD_AREA becomes Sdmud_area
MANGROVE_AREA becomes Mgrve_area
SEAGRASS_AREA becomes Sgras_area
SALTMARSH_AREA becomes Smrsh_area
ESTUARINE_AREA becomes Estua_area
GALLOWAY_SECTION becomes Gallwy_sct
LANDUSE_CODE becomes Lnduse_cde
FLOOD_REGIME becomes Flood_rgme
MANGROVE_COVER becomes Mgrove_cvr
SEAGRASS_COVER becomes Sgrass_cvr
SALTMARSH_COVER becomes Smarsh_cvr
FISH_THREAT becomes Fsh_threat
CONS_THREAT becomes Con_threat
AMENITY_VALUE becomes Amenity_vl
- Date (Creation)
- 1995-01-01
- Date (Revision)
- 1996-07-30
Australian Government Department of the Environment
-Water Data Manager
GPO Box 787
,02 6274 1666
Australian Government Department of the Environment
-Metadata Publisher
GPO Box 787
,(02) 6274 1333
- Presentation form
- Digital map
- Other citation details
CSIRO (2015): Australian Estuaries Database - CAMRIS. v1.CSIRO. Data Collection. 10.4225/08/551484A8DE81A
- Credit
CSIRO Australia
- Status
- Completed
Australian Government Department of the Environment
-Water Data Manager
GPO Box 787
,02 6274 1666
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Not planned
- Version
ANZLIC Search Words
ECOLOGY Landscape
MARINE Estuaries
- Keywords
Offline Data
- Access constraints
- License
- Other constraints
CC - Attribution (CC BY)
- Access constraints
- License
- Other constraints
This data has been licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. More information can be found at
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 1000000
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Biota
- Environment description
Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS
- Supplemental Information
published externally
- Reference system identifier
- Topology level
- Geometry only
- Geometric object type
- Point
- Geometric object count
- 1566
Australian Government Department of the Environment
GPO Box 787
,02 6274 1666
- Name
- Version
- OnLine resource
- 002
- OnLine resource
Link to data
- OnLine resource
Creative Commons licence applicable to this dataset
- OnLine resource
acef-default:Estuaries (CAMRIS)
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Conformance result
- Date (Revision)
- 2015-04-09
- Explanation
Assumed to be correct. +/- one degree.
- Pass
- Yes
Conformance result
- Date (Revision)
- 2015-04-09
- Explanation
The estuaries coverage contains 1566 points and the following attributes:
ESTUARY_NO : Inventory number, contains a letter prefix to denote State in which estuary lies. Estuaries are numbered clockwise around the continent.
NAME : Name of major input stream used to identify an estuary unless the estuary itself is named.
GEO_ZONE : Set of 12 coastal geographical zones (ACIUCN 1986)
CLIM_ZONE : Set of 3 named climatic zones
CATCH_AREA : Catchment Area (sq km)
AVE_ANN_RF : Mean annual rainfall (mm), recorded at station nearest estuary
RUNOFF_COEF : Runoff figure, best approximation to a catchment average rainfall, usually the average value for the respective drainage basin
MAX_TIDAL_RANGE : Maximum tidal range (m)
WATER_AREA : Water area (sq km)
SAND-MUD_AREA : Sand and Mud Area (sq km)
MANGROVE_AREA : Area of Mangroves (sq km)
SEAGRASS_AREA : Area of Seagrass (sq km)
SALTMARSH_AREA : Area of Saltmarsh (sq km)
ESTUARINE_AREA : Est area of estuary (sq km)
GALLOWAY_SECTION : Galloway section number - each 3x10km strip is numbered, clockwise around the coast.
LONGITUDE : Longitude of estuary site (dd)
LATITUDE : Latitude of estuary site (dd)
LANDUSE_CODE : % catchment clearance
FLOOD_REGIME : Frequency of flooding
WATER-QUAL : Subjective assessment of water quality only
MANGROVE_COVER : Degree Mangrove cover
SEAGRASS_COVER : Degree Seagrass cover
SALTMARSH_COVER : Degree Saltmarsh cover
FISH_VALUE : Importance of an estuary as a commercial or amateur fishing ground
FISH_THREAT : Threats to fisheries
CONS_VALUE : Qualitative conservation values
CONS_THREAT : Threats to conservation
AMENITY_VALUE : Amenities value
ECO_STATUS : Effects of human activity
RESEARCH : Depth of information used to assess estuary
ADMIN : Statutory classifications that restricts use.
- Pass
- Yes
Conformance result
- Date (Revision)
- 2015-04-09
- Explanation
Coverage is topologically correct. No particuler tests conducted by ERIN.
- Pass
- Yes
Conformance result
- Date (Revision)
- 2015-04-09
- Explanation
Complete for the Australian continent.
- Pass
- Yes
- Statement
ERIN: Projected the estuaries point coverage to geographics with the WGS84 spheroid. The coverage has been attributed with information taken from the Bucher and Saenger (1989) National estuaries inventory.
CSIRO: Data were stored in VAX files, MS-DOS R-base files and as a microcomputer dataset accessible under the LUPIS (Land Use Planning Information System) land allocation package. CAMRIS was established using SPANS Geographic Information System (GIS) software running under a UNIX operating system on an IBM RS 6000 platform. A summary of data processing follows:
1. r-BASE: Information imported into r-BASE from a number of different sources (ie Digitised, scanned, CD-ROM, NOAA World Ocean Atlas, Atlas of Australian Soils, NOAA GEODAS archive and Complete book of Australian Weather).
2. From the information held in r-BASE a BASE Table was generated incorporating specific fields.
3. SPANS environment: Works on creating a UNIVERSE with a geographic projection - Equidistant Conic (Simple Conic) and Lambert Conformal Conic, Spheroid: International Astronomical Union 1965 (Australia/Sth America); the Lower left corner and the longitude and latitude of the centre point.
4. BASE Table imported into SPANS and a BASE Map generated.
5. Categorise Maps - created from the BASE map and table by selecting out specified fields, a desired window size (ie continental or continent and oceans) and resolution level (ie the quad tree level).
6. Rasterise maps specifying key parameters such as: number of bits, resolution (quad tree level 8 lowest - 16 highest) and the window size (usually 00 or cn).
7. Gifs produced using categorised maps with a title, legend, scale and long/lat grid.
8. Supplied to ERIN with .bil; .hdr; .gif; Arc export files .e00; and text files .asc and .txt formats.
9. The reference coastline for CAMRIS was the mean high water mark (AUSLIG 1:100 000 topographic map series).
- File identifier
- FE476606-9BD6-49BA-BF1F-870323BBB7A2 XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Hierarchy level name
- Date stamp
- 2021-01-19T18:25:46
- Metadata standard name
ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
- Metadata standard version
Australian Government Department of the Environment
-Water Data Manager
GPO Box 787
,02 6274 1666