Directory of Important Wetlands Spatial Database including Wetlands Type and Criteria
This is a polygon coverage representing the wetlands cited in the "A Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia" Third Edition (EA, 2001), plus various additions for wetlands listed after 2001. This dataset includes attribute information showing the wetlands type and criteria for listing for each wetland.
This coverage is a compilation of various data sources and has been collected using a variety of methods. This dataset should therefore be used as an indicative guide only to wetland boundaries and locations. The data has been collated by the Australian Government Department of the Environment from various datasets including those supplied by the relevant State agencies.
State agency contributors include the Queensland Environmental Protection Authority, NSW Department of Environment and Conservation and the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment.
For the identification of wetland boundaries or locations in regard to the compliance of activities with relevant State legislation, the relevant State authority should be contacted to obtain the most recent and accurate wetland boundary information available.
The criteria for the definition of a wetland used in this dataset is that adopted by the Ramsar Convention, namely: "areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six meters."
Attributes in the dataset include:
WNAME: the name of the wetland site as listed in the Directory.
REFCODE: an individual reference number including a cross reference to the State in which it occurs. The first 2-3 characters relate to the State or Territory of origin followed by the 3 digit sequential wetland numeric code. (eg. "NSW001": NSW=New South Wales; 001=wetland number).
WET_TYPE: The wetland type code. Definitions are shown below.
CRITERIA: The criteria for listing code. Definitions are shown below.
A-Marine and Coastal Zone wetlands
1. Marine waters-permanent shallow waters less than six metres deep at low tide; includes sea bays, straits
2. Subtidal aquatic beds; includes kelp beds, seagrasses, tropical marine meadows
3. Coral reefs
4. Rocky marine shores; includes rocky offshore islands, sea cliffs
5. Sand, shingle or pebble beaches; includes sand bars, spits, sandy islets
6. Estuarine waters; permanent waters of estuaries and estuarine systems of deltas
7. Intertidal mud, sand or salt flats
8. Intertidal marshes; includes saltmarshes, salt meadows, saltings, raised salt marshes, tidal brackish and freshwater marshes
9. Intertidal forested wetlands; includes mangrove swamps, nipa swamps, tidal freshwater swamp forests
10. Brackish to saline lagoons and marshes with one or more relatively narrow connections with the sea
11. Freshwater lagoons and marshes in the coastal zone
12. Non-tidal freshwater forested wetlands
B-Inland wetlands
1. Permanent rivers and streams; includes waterfalls
2. Seasonal and irregular rivers and streams
3. Inland deltas (permanent)
4. Riverine floodplains; includes river flats, flooded river basins, seasonally flooded grassland, savanna and palm savanna
5. Permanent freshwater lakes (more than 8 ha); includes large oxbow lakes
6. Seasonal/intermittent freshwater lakes (more than 8 ha), floodplain lakes
7. Permanent saline/brackish lakes
8. Seasonal/intermittent saline lakes
9. Permanent freshwater ponds ( 8 ha)
10. Ponds, including farm ponds, stock ponds, small tanks (generally
- Alternate title
- Date (Creation)
- 2006-02-02
- Date (Revision)
- 2008-10-15
Australian Government Department of the Environment
-Water Data Metadata
GPO Box 787
,02 6274 1666
Australian Government Department of the Environment
-Metadata Publisher
GPO Box 787
,(02) 6274 1333
- Presentation form
- Digital map
- Credit
QLD Environmental Protection Agency, June 2005.\\nVIC Department of Sustainability and Environment, April 2004.\\nNSW Department of Environment and Conservation, March 2004\\nAustralian Surveying and Land Information Group (1994) TOPO-250K;\\nDepartment of the Environment and Heritage (1998) CAPAD V2.0;\\nDepartment of the Environment and Heritage (1997) National Estate - Important Wetlands;\\nANCA (1996) A Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia 2nd ed;\\nDepartment of the Environment and Heritage (2001) A Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia 3rd ed.
- Status
- On going
Australian Government Department of the Environment
-Water Data Metadata
GPO Box 787
,02 6274 1666
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Irregular
- Name
SDE Feature Class
- Version
ANZLIC Search Words
ECOLOGY Habitat_Mapping
WATER Hydrology_Mapping
WATER Wetlands_Distribution
WATER Wetlands_Inventory
WATER Wetlands_Management
- Keywords
Offline Data
- Access constraints
- License
- Other constraints
Departmental Deed
- Access constraints
- License
- Other constraints
Directory of Important Wetlands spatial data may be distributed to third parties on request, and in accordance with the various licence agreements of State agencies who may have supplied components of the data. \\n\\nA Department data licence must be agreed to and the data is not to be used for commercial purposes by third parties.\\n\\nThe data may also be downloaded from the Department website after the completion of an online licence agreement.\\n\\nProducts derived from this dataset should display acknowledgements of the data provider and where relevant the State agencies who may have supplied components of the data used in that product. The Australian Government Department of the Environment is to be acknowledged as the custodian of the overall Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia spatial dataset. \\n\\nStatements of acknowledgement to be used for components of various State supplied data can be found in the Acknowledgements section of this metadata statement.\\n\\nDue to data being compiled from various sources, care needs to be taken when using the data to ensure any restrictions applying to data sources are met.
- Use constraints
- License
- Other constraints
For the identification of wetland boundaries or locations in regard to the compliance of activities with relevant State legislation, the relevant State authority should be contacted to obtain the most recent and accurate boundary information available.
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 500000
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Inland waters
- Environment description
Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS
- Supplemental Information
published externally
- Reference system identifier
- Topology level
- Geometry only
- Geometric object type
- Composite
- Geometric object count
- 906
- Distribution format
SDE Feature Class
Australian Government Department of the Environment
GPO Box 787
,(02) 6274 1333
- Name
- Version
- OnLine resource
acef-default:Directory of important wetlands
- OnLine resource
Fact Sheet
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Conformance result
- Date (Revision)
- 2000-01-01
- Explanation
+/ - 250m can be assumed for most cases. \\n\\nThis dataset should be used only to indicatively locate wetland boundaries or approximate locations.\\n\\nThe data has been compiled from various sources and therefore mapping methodologies for wetlands is variable across State jurisdictions and over time.\\n\\nIn considering the accuracy of the wetland boundaries, users of this data should be aware of the dynamic nature of wetland boundaries and their likelihood of experiencing significant alteration over time due to climatic conditions.
- Pass
- Yes
Conformance result
- Date (Revision)
- 2000-01-01
- Explanation
Most refcode attributes have been checked against the Directory of Important Wetlands. Refcode accuracy assumed to be 99% correct.\\n\\nMost wname attributes have been checked against the Directory of Important Wetlands. wname accuracy assumed to be 99% correct.
- Pass
- Yes
Conformance result
- Date (Revision)
- 2000-01-01
- Explanation
Wetland boundaries (minimum sample of 1 in 5) are visually compared to various datasources (e.g. streamlines and topographic data) to ensure approximate accuracy when updates are received by the Department.\\n\\nAll wetlands are attributed with a unique reference code (REFCODE).\\n\\nSome wetlands may be located only by approximate centroid points until data updates are received.\\n\\nNSW wetlands supplied t in March 2004 are derived from Kingsford et. al, 'The Distribution of Wetlands in New South Wales', NSW NPWS.\\n\\nNSW wetlands supplied t in March 2004 have been checked by NSW DEC against 100K and 250K topo mapsheets, Auslig waterbody data (1994) and 25K topo maps and aerial photos along coastal areas. (see 2003, Kingsford et. al, 'The Distribution of Wetlands in New South Wales', NSW NPWS).\\n\\nQLD wetlands supplied by QLD EPA in June 2005 have had polygons attributed as 'exclusions' removed from this dataset to ensure that unlabelled maps do not misrepresent the extent of Directory wetlands.\\n\\nAttributes of WET_TYPE and CRITERIA correspond wiht those supplied from state agenceis and inclued in the online textual database of wetlands accessed at .
- Pass
- Yes
Conformance result
- Date (Revision)
- 2000-01-01
- Explanation
99% Complete as of August 2005, Coverage will be updated and rebuilt as States/Territories provide full wetland boundaries.
- Pass
- Yes
- Statement
This version of the Directory of Important Wetlands has been developed to include information regarding wetland type and criteria, which allows greater access to wetland information for non-technical users of this dataset. This version of the Directory contains the same wetland boundaries as the full dataset maintained by the Department, but has been dissolved to a multipart polygon coverage on fileds WNAME (Wetland Name) and REFCODE (Reference Code). This has reduced the total number of records in the attribute table from around 30 000 to around 900.\\n\\nThe wetland type and criteria for listing codes have been added to the attribute table to allow users of this dataset to identify important ecological characteristics of each wetland without having to seperately refer to the full Directory of Important Wetlands textual database maintained within the Department as an oracle database. \\n\\nThe full textual database giving further detals on each wetland can be accessed on the internet at\\n\\nThe coverage has been largely derived from the TOPO250K.WATERBOD coverage (AUSLIG, 1992). \\n\\nA significant portion of some of the wetland boundaries for each state have also been supplied directly from the relevant state agencies. These include the QLD Environmental Protection Agency, NSW Department of Environment and Conservation, and the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment.\\n\\nData supplied from State agencies may have been collected using different collection methods. These may include remotely sensed images and digitized boundaries from topographic maps or aerial photos.\\n\\nFor the identification of wetland boundaries or locations in regard to the compliance of activities with relevant State legislation, the relevant State authority should be contacted to obtain the most recent and accurate boundary information available.\\n\\nIn general the accuracy of wetland boundaries may be taken to be approximately +/- 250m in most cases. \\n\\nIn considering the accuracy of the wetland boundaries, users of this data should be aware of the dynamic nature of wetland boundaries and their likelihood of experiencing significant alteration over time due to climatic conditions.\\n\\nAdditional datasets used in compiling the Directory of Important Wetlands spatial data include:\\n\\nCollaborative Australian Protected Areas Database CAPAD (Version 2.0, 1998)\\n\\nNational Estate, Important Wetlands Tasmania (WETLANDSREP97)\\n\\nBUFFERED CENTROIDS: derived from coordinates contained in the Wetlands Inventory 2nd Ed. (ANCA, 1996) & 3rd Ed. (EA, 2001).\\n\\nLocation of Cook Island Nature Reserve off the North NSW coast updated to match NSW Dept of Environment and Climat Change data.
- File identifier
- {0377A251-4E6C-48DF-95FC-720048F879B6} XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Hierarchy level name
- Date stamp
- 2021-01-19T18:25:03
- Metadata standard name
ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
- Metadata standard version
Australian Government Department of the Environment
-Water Data Metadata
GPO Box 787
,02 6274 1666
- Dataset URI
file://Service=sde:oracle10g:/;LOCAL=spatprod; Version=SDE.DEFAULT; Dataset=WATER_SDE.diwa_type_criteria